Public vs Internal DNS Problem
For a little bit I have been tackling a problem without googling the solution to see if I could solve it. My problem was that I did not want to use my newly installed servers as the primary DNS for my household since I didn’t really want anything being routed through them. When getting an understanding of my current workplace they didn’t have this issue since they had a public DNS that was hosting our website and public resources and then an internal one for internal resources.
Solving It
I went through several iterations of possible solutions. One being setting up two firewalls and having one for public facing stuff to route through and one for internal stuff to route through but I chose not to go with that since I thought that would be kind of ridiculous and require more ethernet ports than I have. Then I thought about just letting the traffic run through my windows server even though I didn’t want to do that but decided I would just keep thinking through the problem. For a brief moment I did consider externally hosting some of my public facing resources and having stuff point to AWS or some other cloud provider.
After a little bit the solution seemed obvious to me while setting up my windows servers fully. Why not just change the DNS on specific machines to use the windows servers DNS and let the rest use the normal household DNS that is automatically pushed to them. There are some possible issues with this but I should be able to solve them as they come up