Welcome to my first post
Hello and welcome to my homelab documentation site.
I will be trying to keep this up to date on all the things that I add to my homelab from this point forward. Basically like a blog of the things that are in my homelab or added to my homelab. Currently, I am running PFsense a Router Operating System as a proxmox VM. PFelk is a visualization system for all network traffic, this system is not great a will most likely be taken offline soon. NUT(Network UPS Tools) Server which maintains a page that shows me my UPS’s condition and is something for my servers to ping and check if they need to do a smooth shutdown because of the power going out. I am running an Unifi controller that my Unifi AP speaks to for my home WIFI. I also have set up the Greenbone community version to be able to run OpenVAS if I want to.
TL:DR I am currently running/ have setup
- PFsense
- PFelk
- NUT Server
- Unifi Controller
- Greenbone community edition